Creating Sustainable Supply Chains: Save the Children and The Centre Address the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act for German-based Companies

Save the Children and The Centre have been working together for several years to establish sustainable supply chains that promote and safeguard children’s rights. 


In light of the Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) that came into effect in Germany on January 1st 2023, companies based in Germany, as well as international companies with a German branch, are now required to implement appropriate measures to analyse, prevent, and remediate human rights violations and environmental damage in their supply chains. 


To support companies affected by the law in complying with it, Save the Children and The Centre have developed a four-point plan that not only meets the legal requirements of the LkSG but also includes additional measures for prevention, remediation, and compensation. In addition, the offer is also aimed at medium-sized companies that are not (yet) affected by the legal obligation, as they can already achieve significant improvements for children's rights with small investments.


Companies in the textile and food industries such as Otto Group and Lidl have been working with Save the Children for several years and are already fulfilling the requirements of the LkSG.


For more information about Save the Children’s advisory services on children’s rights in supply chains, please visit their website or download their flyer.


The Centre is expanding its child labour remediation services to additional countries. Currently, their services cover ten countries, including Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, Turkey, and Vietnam.  


If you require assistance with conducting a child labour risk assessment for your business or would like more information on child labour remediation in different countries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Published on   17/03/2023
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