From 2018 to October 2021, The Centre successfully remediated over 300 new cases of child labour in Cambodia, China, Bangladesh, Egypt, Myanmar, Turkey, and Vietnam. We currently hold MOUs with 25 companies that are committed to informing and working with The Centre when a suspected or confirmed case of child labour is found. To respond to a growing demand by existing and new partners for a reliable and standardised child labour prevention and remediation service in a growing number of countries and sectors, we have launched a child labour remediation accreditation programme that allows suitable individuals or organisations to gain accreditation as an official child labour remediation service provider for The Centre. Accredited partners will be engaged by The Centre to assess and manage child labour cases on a case-by-case basis.
By establishing an international network of accredited service providers, The Centre aims to achieve a close-to-global coverage of our child labour remediation service in the next two years, with more industries and contexts catered to.
How to become an accreditation service provider
We welcome individuals and organisations with more than five years of experience in social compliance, compliance auditing, social work, community & education services, training or worker empowerment to apply via the application form below. Applicants from South and East Asia, e.g. the Philippines, Nepal, Pakistan, as well as Mexico; are prioritised.
If you are considered a suitable candidate based on your initial application, we will reach out to you to learn more.
The Centre will then invite suitable candidates to undergo a rigorous training programme, which will end with a range of knowledge and simulation tests.
Successful candidates will then be accepted as Junior CLR service provider.
Once the junior service provider has showcased their suitability by successfully handling different steps in the child labour remediation service, they can gain the status of senior CLR service provider.
What does it mean to become an accredited service provider?
The programme will provide a series of training and activities for free to equip you with a solid understanding of child labour-related issues and services and the skills to deliver child labour remediation services on behalf of The Centre in the future. It will allow you to make a direct and practical contribution towards the elimination of child labour, connect with an international network of experts and raise your and your organisation’s profile.
Accredited service providers will be called upon when The Centre receives notification of child labour cases near/in your location.
Please submit the completed application form with all supporting documents to and email us should you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Centre CLR SP Application Form_For Individuals.pdf
The Centre CLR SP Application Form_For Organisations.pdf
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