There are 541 million young workers (aged between 15 and 24) in the world today, accounting for over 15% of the global labour force. However, millions of youths do not complete their secondary education and lack access to decent job opportunities as many companies (particularly Tier 1 factories) are reluctant to hire workers who are above the legal working age but under 18. This forces many young workers into informal sectors where there is no transparency, exposing them to high risk of abuse, child labour, forced labour and trafficking (86.3% of youth in Asia-Pacific are in informal employment).
The Centre’s young worker services focus on creating decent work opportunities for young workers and supporting young people to achieve their full potential, thus contributing towards UN SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth and towards human rights due diligence.
Our training for young workers and managers reduces risks related to young worker management, while our Access-to-Decent-Work-for-Youth Programme (AD-Y programme) connects out-of-work youth to decent, formal work. Our programme also provides capacity building training and support to factories enabling them to cultivate and manage a motivated workforce in accordance to international labour standards.
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