The Centre to Share Insights on Child Labour Risks in the Garment Industry at an OECD Forum Side Event on Feb. 21

The Centre’s CEO Ines Kaempfer will be speaking about child labour risks in the garment industry at a side event during the 8th OECD Annual Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector. The side event is hosted by the CORE (Office of Canadian Ombudsman for Responsible Enterprise) as part of its mandate to promote respect for human rights in Canadian garment company’s operations abroad.


Child labour is a risk in the garment industry because production takes place in countries where the wages of adult workers are too low to support their families and much of the supply chain is based on low-skilled labour.  


However, with consumers demanding greater transparency and accountability from garment companies and the fashion industry as a whole, the question arises: Given the complexity of supply chains spanning a multitude of production phases and countries, how can garment companies ensure they respect child rights?


The Centre will be joined by three other leading experts in business and human rights to share best practices to identify, prevent, mitigate and remediate child labour in garment supply chains. The negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on garment supply chains, particularly on the labour rights of women and girls, makes this discussion all the more critical.


Join us for this free, virtual webinar on Feb. 21, 2022 at 10:00am EST / 4:00pm CET. Register here: link

Learn more about the Forum here.

Published on   10/02/2022
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