The Centre’s CEO, Ines Kaempfer, participating in the amfori Speak for Change panel discussion at amfori’s Annual Event in Berlin in November 2023.
The Centre for Child Rights and Business (The Centre) is an official Investigation and Remediation Handler for amfori’s supply chain grievance mechanism programme, also known as amfori Speak for Change. This initiative empowers rightsholders throughout amfori members’ supply chains, offering them a safe and effective platform to voice concerns and facilitating sustainable solutions through independent investigation, remediation, joint leverage, analysis, and feedback.
Under the current agreement, we are actively addressing complaints in four countries: Bangladesh, India, Türkiye and Vietnam. While the amfori Speak for Change programme plans to expand to additional countries in 2024, The Centre has been an active remediation handler since the platform’s initial launch in Vietnam in 2021.
The Centre extends its scope beyond handling child labour cases within the amfori Speak for Change programme. In 2021, we were tasked with investigating an alleged case of prison labour in a Vietnamese factory. Our expertise also covers issues related to discrimination, unfair treatment, young worker protection, fair pay, occupational health and safety, forced or bonded labour, and ensuring decent working conditions.
In the past month, our CEO, Ines Kaempfer, participated as a panelist in amfori’s Annual Event. Discussions centred around access to remedies for global supply chains, the challenges associated with remediation, and the opportunities arising from these challenges. A key takeaway was that for a grievance mechanism within supply chains to be effective, collaboration is crucial at all levels.
amfori Speak for Change is available to all amfori members and their business partners, providing a means to address complaints concerning alleged violations of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct or the amfori Guidelines for Responsible Purchasing Practices in times of COVID-19.
More information here.
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