The Centre Partners with Worker Voice Technology Provider Ulula to Advance Child Rights in Key Production Regions

The Centre and Ulula, a scalable worker voice technology provider that gives companies the tools to monitor and manage labour rights risks in their global supply chains, have struck up a strategic partnership that seeks to offer brands and employers the tools and expertise to improve their impact on children in key production regions in the world.

Specifically, The Centre and Ulula can offer: 

  • Co-developed methodologies for assessing child rights impact and worker’s needs (e.g. Child Rights tracking tool for mobile-based data collection)
  • Integrated processes for risk assessment and remediation, at aggregated, facility and case level
  • Technological and on-site support to provide accurate, timely and actionable data to drive effective interventions in the workplace and drive change, particularly to create positive impacts on young workers, parent workers and their children

By combining The Centre’s expertise, methodologies and experience in implementing child rights programmes with Ulula’s technology, we can jointly offer businesses a wealth of tools and support, including child rights risk assessments, surveys, grievance management, mass messaging to targeted groups of workers, dashboards with real-time worker feedback and more.

To learn more about this, please contact us. To learn more about Ulula, click here

Published on   28/03/2019
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