The Centre Becomes Remediation Partner for amfori in Vietnam

The Centre has been chosen to be one of four organisations to remediate grievances raised by amfori members in their supply chains in Vietnam. 


Amfori members have access to a Supply Chain Grievance Mechanism (SCGM) that provides access to remedy to impacted workers and communities. As an amfori partner, The Centre will be added to the SCGM handler list and is available to respond to deliver remedy to address issues identified in amfori members’ supply chains. 


To date, The Centre has worked with dozens of international companies to remediate over 250 cases of child labour in supply chains, and has also conducted numerous in-depth supply chain risk and impact assessments in a wide range of sectors and tier levels focusing on child rights, gender equality, worker wellbeing and family-friendly workplaces. Alongside child labour and child rights issues, The Centre’s in-country teams are available to deliver remedy to address other human rights issues impacting workers. 


Where necessary, our teams are also experienced in conducting special investigations into grievances to understand the extent of the issues and to identify actions to prevent reoccurrence. We pride ourselves on our holistic approach in finding practical solutions that create positive impact for children, working families and businesses, and look forward to working closely with amfori members in Vietnam going forward. 

Published on   22/09/2021
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