The Centre works closely with clients to develop comprehensive customised training programmes that tackle common challenges found in today’s business environments and supply chains, including how to manage and motivate young workers, addressing child labour, meeting the needs of migrant parent workers, implementing responsible recruitment practices, motivating staff and managing high turnover rates etc.
We believe that a happy workforce is a motivated one, and a motivated workforce adds value to your company. Our comprehensive step-by-step training process – which involves a detailed pre and post training development assessment phase – improves production, lowers staff turnover and increases employee morale. Our customised training service involves the following steps:
Baseline assessment
We carry out a baseline assessment, including worker surveys, to identify the needs of workers and their families (for example, determining whether young workers feel marginalised in the workplace and whether this impacts their commitment to the job) and understand challenges faced by management. We also review existing training programme(s) to any identify any gaps in responsible recruitment policies including child labour policies, and/or issues related to the management of juvenile and migrant parent workers. This review process also helps to identify the needs of the various target groups such as managers, HR team, parent workers or young and juvenile workers.
Tailored training programmes
Based on the results of baseline assessment and training review, we will develop a training programme tailored specifically to the needs of the company/suppliers and its workforce. The training can then be delivered by The Centre’s expert trainers, or by factory trainers who successfully completed our Training of Trainers (ToT) programme. As an example, our ToT programme could involve the training of HR staff in the use of our young worker training modules, or to deliver training to address the recruitment and employment needs of migrant workers.
Impact assessment and evaluation
The Centre conducts monitoring and evaluation to assess the impacts and effectiveness of training, including training delivered by The Centre’s trainers or via Training of Trainers programmes. Our impact assessment tools measure the following areas:
Feedback: Participants fill-out pre- and post-training feedback questionnaires that measure the extent of participants’ appreciation towards the trainings
Increase in knowledge: A pre- and post-training questionnaire evaluates whether participants’ knowledge increased
Change of behaviour: A series of pre- and post-training interviews ascertain whether and how participants implement the training in their daily work
Impact: A worker survey evaluates whether or not the training had the desired impact on the target group (e.g. better understanding of child labour prevention polices, reduced conflict, increased work satisfaction rate and retention, reduced absenteeism etc.)
Contact us to discuss how The Centre can develop a customised training programme for your business.
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