The Centre’s Training of Trainer’s (ToT) service helps companies to maximise the impact and reach of training. We focus ToT training on core groups of relevant personnel (e.g. HR staff, managers, community and youth leaders) and equip them with the skills they need to deliver training to fellow workers and their families, whether in a business or community setting. Our ToT also engages senior management to help to secure their commitment and buy-in to training programmes and activities. 


The Centre’s Training of Trainers service includes:

  • Trainer’s consultation: including in-factory/production site/community location training observation and feedback, additional capacity support, and training resources discussion group

  • Management consultation: supporting development of strategy to effectively promote and implement the trainings: this includes worker awareness and activities, scheduling and internal department coordination

  • Tracking and evaluation: regular follow-up call and tracking activity to help evaluate training progress and overall programme impact


For each factory/farm/community site engaged in ToT, we start with an initial project meeting with trainers and senior management to establish:

  • The training content, purpose and expected impact

  • How to best promote training to ensure uptake and engagement 

  • How best to coordinate participation and scheduling

  • What other activities to include

The Centre conducts an on-site promotional session for managers and workers to introduce the ToT trainings and secure their buy-in (a half-day session, with one training module and supporting activity, plus an e-learning demonstration). We then deliver ToT sessions, followed by in-factory training observation to observe the effectiveness of training techniques and identify any areas for improvement. The Centre can also provide suggestions for post-training activities and support, including elearning. 


Post-training Support: eLearning 

The Centre develops customised eLearning programmes for clients based on a range of salient topics, from child labour prevention and remediation to responsible recruitment to parent worker support. 

In China, we run a free WeChat-based platform that is accessible through mobile devices. The elearning package provides easy access to training-related information. With just one click, participants have access to a diverse range of key lesson materials (such as distance communication, child needs, personal well-being) that are presented through the eye-catching and memorable medium of animated videos, photo-based visual stories and interactive content.

In addition to the ToTs, The Centre offers a full range of in-factory trainings related to the management of student, juvenile and young adult workers, line managers and working parents (including training tailored to migrant parents and fathers). Moreover, The Centre also works closely with companies and their supply chain factories to develop trainings customised specifically to the client’s needs. As part of The Centre’s commitment to providing high-quality trainings that make bring noticeable benefits to factories and their workers, each training package includes a comprehensive pre and post-training impact assessment and evaluation process.

Contact us to discuss how The Centre can support your business to apply ToT to maximise the reach and impact of your training activities. 

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