In 2019-2020, in collaboration with Planète Enfants & Développement (PE&D), we leveraged our expertise in Child Friendly Spaces and other employer-supported childcare facilities to deliver a landscape analysis of employer-supported childcare in Cambodia and produced a report titled “Tackling Childcare: Employer-Supported Childcare in Cambodia” for the IFC.
Sixty-nine companies from different sectors, including garment and footwear, banking, tourism and hospitality, agribusiness, and other manufacturing industries took part in the survey. Interviews were conducted with 21 employers, as well as with nine business associations and related multi-stakeholders. To gather the in-depth perspective of parents, 37 mothers and 13 fathers at five companies joined focus group discussions. Forty-three private childcare providers participated in the study.
While the report shows that legal requirements and compliance are the top drivers to get companies to establish on-site childcare facilities, and more and more companies are realising the potential positive impact of childcare measures on their business, significant gaps still remain and more co-ordinated efforts are needed to create sustainable childcare solutions at scale.
The report presents a landscape analysis of public and private sector childcare provision available to workers in formal employment in Cambodia, and offers evidence and options for employer-supported childcare in Cambodia to improve business outcomes and pave the way for greater compliance.
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