Short Film: Introducing Child Friendly Spaces

The Centre (formerly CCR CSR) proudly presents this short film about our Child Friendly Spaces programme. 

With 18 factories having joined the programme by 2017, this programme has been growing from strength to strength since its launch in 2016. One of the reasons this programme has been so successful to date is that it addresses a pressing need to support migrant parent workers employed in factories. Long-term separation from children and insufficient childcare provisions directly influence workers' retention, satisfaction with the factory and productivity. 

By allowing children to stay in a safe, fun space within the factory premises over the summer holidays while their parents work, CFS is filling a much-needed gap, while also creating positive impact for the factories. 

Thank you to Longchang who opened their doors to us and our cameraman and helped arrange workers and children to participate in the film. Thanks also to Mattel, Clariant Foundation, Lego and Save the Children for supporting this production. 

Published on   07/12/2017
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