Li&Fung has its own monitoring and spot-check programme for its supply chain, but to further enhance visibility, it collaborated with The Centre for Child Rights and Business (The Centre) to carry out a specialised, in-depth assessment of child labour risks for 15 of its suppliers across five countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, and Turkiye. The assessment scope covered the working conditions of over 25,000 people.
Recognising the evolving global landscape, an increasing number of countries are mandating human rights due diligence as an integral part of supply chain management. Through this assessment, Li&Fung is able to gain an in-depth understanding of actual and potential child rights risks that extend beyond Tier 1 suppliers to encompass subcontractors.
For Li&Fung, we gathered first-hand data from 730 informants during on-site visits, document reviews, interviews with managers and workers, and focus group discussions, looking at such areas as child labour risks, working conditions, vulnerable working groups, grievance mechanisms, wage structures, family-friendly policies, and subcontracting practices and policies within these factories.
The assessment is paving the way for Li&Fung to enhance due diligence, and to work with their suppliers to strengthen policies and protections for workers in its global supply chain.
About The Centre’s Child Labour Risk Assessments
Under our CLRA service, we assess your company’s supply chain, or specific areas within your supply chain, focusing on child rights topics. The aim of this service is to give you a comprehensive understanding of where your operations have a direct and indirect impact on children and to present you with recommendations on how to manage potential and identified risks. By staying informed, buyers can leverage on their presence to establish responsible recruitment practices in supplier factories, including policies for the protection and management of young workers, as well as subcontractors and sub-suppliers.
If your brand requires a comprehensive risk assessment, we have local teams in over 60 countries. Feel free to contact us here.
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