Family Friendly Workplaces ‘WeCare’ Package

WeCare offers a package of services which are tailored to meet the needs of working parents, their children and young workers whilst also responding to the businesses needs of suppliers. WeCare supports suppliers to implement policies, practices and programmes that enable their workers to fulfil their role as parents, meet personal development goals, and fulfil responsibilities at work. 


Services offered via the WeCare package address areas including support for parent workers, responsible recruitment, childcare provision, parenting skills, maternal health and breastfeeding, support for young workers including juvenile workers, flexible working arrangements and other relevant well-being issues.

Please download our 2023 Family-Friendly Workplaces Impact and Achievements Overview and brochure below or here.




Parent workers face many challenges, including:

  • Financial pressures: 32% of parents in a worker survey in China say they can’t afford basic necessities for their family

  • Challenging to return to work: 20% of women in a study by The Centre in 10 factories in Vietnam did not return to work after pregnancy

  • Feeling inadequate as parents: 95% of parents* who live separately from their children expressed feeling guilty about their inadequate parenting functions



  • WeCare starts with an on-site needs assessment that evaluates current policies and systems, worker demographics, and identifies needs

  • Based on the results of the assessment, we help the supplier to choose and select the most appropriate and feasible activities from a range of WeCare services 

  • Once activities are defined, we work with the supplier to implement them

  • A communications package including short videos and worker stories are included in the programme

  • An impact evaluation and a workshop to agree on a long-term sustainable plan to continue with the good practices is delivered at the end of the programme




WeCare a flexible package that allows factories to choose from a menu of activities based on the results of an initial needs assessments. This programme therefore offers flexibility and creates ownership for suppliers.  


WeCare activities include (but are not limited to): 

Pleasecontact us for more details on each of the above activities.



For Businesses:

  • Achieve ESG and human rights due diligence goals for worker wellbeing, gender and child rights

  • Reduce compliance risks including child labour

  • Enhance supply chain resilience through improved worker wellbeing and management processes

  • Strengthen buyer-supplier engagement with site visits and activities

  • Go beyond compliance to show your company's commitment to workers and their families

For Factories:

  • Increased retention, reduced hiring costs

  • Improved workplace satisfaction and management relationships

  • Increased worker efficiency

  • Strengthened buyer-supplier engagement and recognition as a family-friendly operation

  • Short-term investment, long-term impact


The following is aggregated data from 62 factories that implemented family-friendly workplace initiatives including Migrant Parent Training, PhotoVoice, SmartWatch and Family Day.

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WeCare consistently provides practical benefits to our workers' personal and professional lives, particularly through the Working Parent Training (WPT) component. In 2023, we plan to replicate the WPT Training of Trainers to train additional trainers and expand the programme's coverage to more parent workers.

-A Sustainability Manager in Vietnam whose factory implemented WeCare (2023)
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A Sustainability Manager in Vietnam whose factory implemented WeCare (2023)

There were several times during the programme implementation that I was moved to tears – like, hearing the voices of our workers about their children during training, and witnessing the delight of children and parents playing together during the family fay. The top management was also positively surprised by how the WeCare programme turned out to be. It is not only beneficial to workers, but also helps boost the internal cohesion of our factory.

-Ms. Li, responsible person for VF WeCare at Ruitai factory in China, 2020
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Ms. Li, responsible person for VF WeCare at Ruitai factory in China, 2020

As the factory management we are very happy that this programme helps uplift the vibe of our factory, as well as the well-being of parent workers on a deeper level. They feel more assured at work

-Mr. Xie, HR manager at Meihao factory in China, 2020
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Mr. Xie, HR manager at Meihao factory in China, 2020

Thanks to the VF WeCare programme, workers and factory management have a much closer relationship.  When I go to the production floor, parent workers who participated in the WeCare programme would warmly greet me and voluntarily bring up the topic on child education. They also express gratitude to us for the opportunity to learn parenting skills, because they had no clue about efficient parent-child communication before

-Ms. Li, responsible person for VF WeCare programme at Ruitai factory in China, 2020
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Ms. Li, responsible person for VF WeCare programme at Ruitai factory in China, 2020

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