Request for Expressions of Interest: Technical Partner for Child Labour Risk Index Development

The Centre for Child Rights and Business, in collaboration with Save the Children Germany, invites expressions of interest from innovative technology partners to develop an open-source Child Labour Risk Index. This pioneering initiative aims to empower businesses with reliable data to address child labour risks in global supply chains and advance children’s rights worldwide.


About Us:

For over 14 years, The Centre has worked with businesses to promote and protect children’s rights in supply chains across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Save the Children, with over 100 years of expertise, is the world's leading independent children's organisation, committed to building a future where every child thrives. Together, we advocate for responsible business practices and compliance with global human rights regulations.


Objective of the Index:

The Child Labour Risk Index will combine innovative technology, including web-scanning and machine learning, to provide evidence-based insights for businesses. It will serve as a crucial tool for prioritising due diligence efforts, helping companies make informed, ethical decisions in compliance with laws such as Germany's Supply Chain Due Diligence Law (LkSG) and the EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).


What We’re Looking For:

We seek a tech partner with expertise in developing tools that:

  • Automate data collection through web scanning and machine learning.

  • Provide a user-friendly interface or API for public access.

  • Align with the goals of supply chain human rights due diligence.

  • Offer cost-effective or in-kind partnership solutions to support our non-profit mission.


Key Features of the Solution:

  • Web-scanning to gather data points and generate evidence indicators.

  • Machine learning to analyse and categorise data.

  • Optional functionalities for calculating risk scores and publishing results securely online.


Additional Considerations:

  • Data will focus on publicly available sources from the past five years.

  • The Index will be updated quarterly to annually and disaggregated by country or region.

  • Links to scanned reports will accompany the index scores for transparency.


How to Submit Your EOI:

Please confirm your interest by Friday, 24th January by emailing Jazz Smith-Khaira at Include the following:

  1. A technical overview of your proposed solution (max 2 pages).

  2. Maintenance and support plans for three years (max 1 page).

  3. Summaries of relevant past projects (max 1 page).

  4. Estimated delivery timeline (max ½ page).

  5. Partnership modality and cost details, including in-kind support (max ½ page).


Join us in creating a resource that drives responsible business practices and protects children’s rights globally.

Download the full request for EOI in below.

Published on   10/01/2025
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