Training Underway to Further Expand Global Child Labour Remediation Services

The COVID-19 continues to create challenges for parent workers and families, with poverty, income insecurity, job losses and prolonged school creating a heightened risks of child labour. ILO and UNICEF statistics published early this year, show that child labour cases were increasing, even before the worse effects of the pandemic took effect. 


Driven by a growing need and demand for child labour remediation services and bolstered by the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, The Centre is training additional child labour remediation case managers to offer our child Labour remediation services in additional countries and sectors. 


To date, new child labour case managers in Cambodia and India have successfully completed The Centre’s rigorous training programme, with more candidates in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Turkey beginning training very soon. We have also established partnerships with amfori and Elevate to handle remediation by their respective members and currently hold MoUs with over two dozen international brands to act as their designated child labour case managers. 


At present, our service is available in these countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Turkey and Vietnam.

Further geographic expansion of The Centre’s  child labour services will be guided by client demand, please contact us if you would like to discuss how The Centre can support you in other sourcing countries.  

Published on   27/09/2021
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