Child Labour Remediation in DRC’s Cobalt Community: Dolie’s Story

Dolie* was a sixth-grade student until her life changed two years ago with her father’s passing. Since then, she has been living with her younger brother and aunt and has no contact with her mother. Due to financial difficulties, Dolie dropped out of school and started working as a helper in her aunt's restaurant at the age of 13, even though the legal minimum working age in the DRC is 16. She did this to repay her aunt for taking her in.

Dolie’s living environment


The restaurant was located in a mine, where Dolie washed dishes, cared for a baby, and handled household chores. She worked seven hours a day, six days a week, with Sundays off, but received no pay. Working in the mine exposed her to health hazards from dust and harsh weather, as well as risks of gender-based violence. In the DRC, approximately 16.3% of children aged 7 to 14 are engaged in child labour (Source:, and many young girls like Dolie face dangerous working conditions.


Educational attainment in the DRC is also a significant concern. While there have been improvements in school enrolment rates, with the elementary school completion rate increasing from 32% in 2000 to 71% in 2020, challenges remain. (Source: Africa News)

Many children, especially those from impoverished backgrounds, still drop out before completing their education due to financial constraints and the need to work.


After being selected for The Hub’s child labour remediation and prevention programme, Dolie enrolled at a vocational training centre to study cutting and sewing. She quickly became a model student, known for her commitment, positive attitude, and high performance. She topped her class during the 2023-2024 school year. Dolie now has the chance to build a better future and dreams of contributing to her city’s development, breaking free from the cycle of poverty and labour.


The Hub’s remediation plan provided both immediate and long-term support to help Dolie on her journey:


Emergency Support 

  • After an in-person assessment, Dolie received a medical check-up to address the health risks associated with working at a mine


Year 1 Remediation (Sept 2023 - Aug 2024)

  • Vocational school tuition for cutting and sewing

  • Annual school supplies kit


Year 2 Remediation (Sept 2024 - Sept 2025)

  •  Continuation of tuition and school kits for the following two years

Thanks to a monthly allowance from the remediation programme, her family’s financial stability has also improved, allowing their basic needs to be met and freeing Dolie from working in her aunt’s restaurant. The remediation programme has created a more supportive environment for her growth.


The Hub’s child labour prevention and remediation programme provides long-term benefits for children and their families by partnering with local NGOs, government, and child rights experts. It has trained a network of 25 case managers who support ongoing cases and collaborate with 6 organisations. The Hub also encourages cobalt buyers and brands to invest in the remediation programme as part of their human rights responsibilities, ensuring children like Dolie receive continued support.


Learn more about The Hub by visiting or contact us to get involved.


*A pseudonym is used to protect the privacy of the child involved.

Published on   26/11/2024
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