Child Friendly Spaces
The Centre’s Child-Friendly Space (CFS) programme helps suppliers establish safe, secure childcare facilities at factories and worksites, thus supporting parent workers during their shifts. CFS provides a safe environment where children can play, develop social skills and engage in activities with their parents.
Each summer, there is a surge in children left unsupervised in dorms or work camps – and in some cases, even on production floors or in harvesting fields. Launched in 2015, CFS addresses this urgent childcare gap, keeping children away from hazardous work areas while ensuring they are well cared for. For many migrant workers, it also provides a rare opportunity to spend quality time with their children during school holidays.
While CFS primarily operates in the summer, it can also run year-round or as an after-school centre. For suppliers, CFS helps prevent children from being brought to production areas, reducing compliance risks, including child labour.
Explore More
Read real-life impact stories from families and employers in our "Explore Our Work" section.
Download our 2024 Family-Friendly Workplaces Programme Impact and Achievements brochure.
Article: Celebrating the 101st CFS Milestone
Case study: A Child-Friendly Space for Rattan Communities in Indonesia
Interested in joining the programme? Contact us to learn more.
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